PROJECT IMPACT: November & December


IMPACT WHO: We’re supporting foster care, refugee, and immigrant children in our community through the Des Moines Dream Center, the Start Small Project, and apartment complexes in West Des Moines.
IMPACT HOW: Buy, fill, and donate a Christmas stocking(s).
The Des Moines Dream Center providing community and services that address immediate and long-term needs in the areas of homelessness, youth development, poverty, and outreach.

Start Small Project collects diapers to distribute to local refugee families in need. Started in 2011, Start Small Project has provided hundreds of thousands of diapers to vulnerable families with little ones.

Donation instructions:
STEP 1 Buy a large stocking and fill it with the following items
• Hats, scarves, gloves
• Small toys
• Candy
• Tooth paste, tooth brush, combs, brushes, personal hygiene items, etc.
• Anything else you want to add to the stocking

STEP 2 Print a tag below or make one like it and stick it to the stocking with ribbon or a stapler

STEP 3 Drop it off at the Valley Community Center