18+ Pickleball Info:
MONDAYS 1:30-5:00pm
WEDNESDAYS 12:00-4:00pm
FRIDAYS (1:15-4:00pm)
Pickleball Play is FREE. Free-will donations are always appreciated and directly support Night to Shine, an annual prom experience for individuals with special needs.
To receive emails regarding pickleball send an email to dane@valleycommunity.center
Paddles available to borrow for free
Predominately volunteer driven – please assist with set up, tear down and ball retrieval
SIGN IN every time! We need an accurate count to continue offering PB to the community
WAIVER – please fill out on your first visit
Drinks in covered containers only in gym
Level of Play – as much as possible, play at your level - this keeps it competitive and enjoyable for all!
SPORTSMANSHIP – Be positive & encouraging! Remember – it’s just a game!
Court Play
Curtain side serves first
Games to 11, win by 2
Sign in on whiteboard to play
Ball management – yell “Ball” if rolling onto active court; let it go and take a ball from rack; refill the rack after each game. To maximize playing time, KEEP YOUR GAME MOVING.
(Beginners 1), 12-1:30pm
(Beginners 2), 12-1:30pm
(Advanced Competitive), 12-1:30pm
Sign up for only one time slot per day
All players must sign new waiver release form if you have not signed one since Oct 2020
Note: Advanced Competitive is meant for those that have played for several months and who want to improve specific skills. It is not intended to be taken immediately after 102.